State Flower:
In the months of March, April and May, the delicate Texas Bluebonnet blankets hills, fields and roadsides in a peaceful carpet of blue and white. Early pioneer women gave the flower its name, thinking its petals resembled a sunbonnet. Recommended by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in Texas, it became the state flower in 1901.

State Bird:
A gray body with large white patches on its wings, the Mockingbird is about the size of the American Robin but a bit more slender. Known to be an excellent mimic, thus its name, it repeats phrases over and over again in quick succession,. It was adopted as the state bird in 1927 at the suggestion of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs

State Tree:
The hardy Pecan nut kept many Texans alive during weather-stricken periods when Mother Nature had nothing else to supply.

State Flag:
The lone star, is derived from the flag that flew over Texas in 1836 when it declared its independence from Mexico and became an independent republic. Blue stands for loyalty, white for purity and red for bravery.

Famous Person:
Lyndon B. Johnson
When Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was born on August 27, 1908 in Stonewall, his grandfather predicted he would be a US Senator. Of course, he achieved that and much more. He was the eighth vice president to be sworn into office at the death of the president, and the fourth to be elected to a new term. Johnson won the election hands down against extremist Barry Goldwater whose followers boasted, "In your hearts, you know he's right." But Johnson's people retorted, "In your guts you know he's nuts."